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Florida Strawberry Festival

Plant City, Florida
March 1, 2024

Each year nearby Plant City, the Strawberry Capital of the South, hosts the Florida Strawberry Festival.

It is a fun event, and students in eastern Hillsborough County are given a day off to attend the fair, which has a midway, numerous food and beverage vendors, an amphitheater that daily offers shows with groups such as the Oakridge Boys and Alabama, and numerous judging events such as with livestock and crafts.

One of the judged events is Horticulture, and this year Joyce decided not to compete, as her friend Lu Thompson was sumbitting entries and Joyce did not want to be competing against her. (And, yes, Lu's entry won Best of Show! Congratulations!!!)

Though Joyce was not competing in Horticulture, Jay and Joyce did the Florida Strawberry Festival. They went on a day when the Beach Boys were the featured attraction in the amphitheater. We're not saying that Joyce is a big Beach Boys fan, but she did buy third row seats in the front center section.

Needless to say, the performance was excellent. Jay had not really appreciated just how many very popular songs that the Beach Boys had published and sung. being at the Beach Boys show brough up a memory of Joyce's that went back overv 40 years. Here it is:

    It turns out that Joyce had a very interesting experience with the Beach Boys in 1981. At the time she was the clinical manager/head nurse of 3 Main at what was then University Community Hospital. Her unit was the step down from intensive care, and it was formally called the MICU, Modified Intensive Care Unit.

    At this time the unit had a 17 year old sweet girl, Shelly, who had a birth defect, which kept the bronchials in her lungs from properly exchanging air, and so Shelly was on a perpetual ventilator. She was in the MICU to see if the expertise of the surgeons and other doctors there could somehow find a way to get her to the point where she could be extubated (removed from the ventilator).

    As indicated above, the year was 1981. It became known that the Beach Boys would be at the Lakeland Civic Center (now known as the Jenkins Arena RP Funding Center) on May 7. Shelly, who was completely lucid and had just earned her high school diploma, let it be known that she was an ardent fan of the Beach Boys.

    Joyce decided to do something about this. She first contacted the Lakeland Civic Center and explained the situation, including Shelly's great desire to see the Beach Boys. The response of the Lakeland authorities was just amazing. They immediately said that they would do whatever would be required to accommodate this young lady and the necessary UCH medical staff that would have to accompany her. They also said that paramedics or other Lakeland medical resources that might need to be employed would be at no charge.

    Then Joyce approached the UCH Administration. Taking a patient who is intubated away from the hospital and into a large venue was no small task. Thankfully, Joyce did not lack for volunteers from her nursing staff, nor from a number of doctors and surgeons, who were attending to this young lady. UCH gave its approval.

    On the day of the performance, they found that the Lakeland Civic Center had built a special elevated platform in the front center that held about 20 people; the young lady and the medical staff that needed to attend to her.

    This was a truly God blessed and amazing event, and one that Shelly's family certainly cherished, and one that Shelly also cherished up until her passing about seven months later.

Jay and Joyce also had to partake of the mandatory fries, corn dogs, and sodas. Somehow they "passed" on the famous strawberry shortcake offered by many vendors at the fair; maybe next time.

(Click on any slide to enlarge it.)


Joyce sharing the story of Shelly with one of the Beach Boys musicians


Mike Love putting on another great show!

Joyce really enjoying the show. (She also had many nice comments concerning her 60's outfit.)


The Beach Boys are an American rock band formed in Hawthorne, California, in 1961. The original lineup of the Beach Boys included brothers Brian, Dennis, and Carl Wilson, their cousin Mike Love, and friend Al Jardine. All five members sang, with Brian playing bass, Dennis playing drums, Carl playing lead guitar, and Al Jardine playing rhythm guitar. However, Mike Love was the main singer for the group. Heres a brief overview of their fascinating history:

The Beach Boys started as a garage band centered around Brian Wilson's songwriting. Managed by their father, Murry Wilson, they gained popularity with their first national hit, "Surfin' U.S.A.," in 1963. Their music reflected the southern California youth culture of surfing, cars, and romance, earning them the nickname "California sound."

In the mid-1960s, they transitioned from beachgoing themes to more personal lyrics and ambitious orchestrations. Their album "Pet Sounds" (1966) and the single "Good Vibrations" raised their prestige as rock innovators. Both "Pet Sounds" and "Good Vibrations" are now considered among the greatest and most influential works in popular music history.

The Beach Boys are one of the most critically acclaimed and commercially successful bands of all time, selling over 100 million records worldwide. They helped legitimize popular music as a recognized art form and influenced the development of music genres and movements such as psychedelia, power pop, progressive rock, punk, alternative, and lo-fi.

As of 2024, Brian and Jardine do not perform with Love's edition of the Beach Boys, but they remain official members of the band. Their harmonies, adolescent-oriented lyrics, and musical ingenuity continue to resonate with audiences worldwide.

The Beach Boys have had several lead singers throughout their career. However, the primary lead singer and frontman for the Beach Boys is Mike Love. His distinctive nasal tenor voice and occasional bass-baritone singing have been a defining part of the band's sound. Mike Love has also contributed as a lyricist and played saxophone on occasion.

The Beach Boys are celebrated for their vocal harmonies, adolescent-oriented lyrics, and musical ingenuity. They drew inspiration from older pop vocal groups, 1950s rock and roll, and black R&B to create their unique sound. Their influence on rock music is immense, and they are considered one of the most influential acts of the rock era.

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