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Christmas 2022

Karen & Cathy's home and Michael & Karri's Home
Brandon, Florida and then Kernohan Cove in Hudson, Florida
December 25, 2022

Jay and Joyce celebrated Christmas this year with three events.
  • First was the Candle Lighting Service at Fellowship Baptist Church on Friday, the 23rd. Jay and Joyce were joined for the service by Joyce's family, and that was nice having all of them together.
  • Next, on Christmas day, Jay and Joyce went over to the house of Karen and her family, who were in the final stages of preparation for their Christmas trip to England that would begin on the evening of the 26th. The family would be flying out of the Tampa and the Orlando airports. Yes, the family was split but that was because Daylin plays in the orchestra and Braden plays in the band (but the truth is it probably could've been planned together). With split traveling plans, Karen and Cathy had made trading arrangements with other families to watch over their children so it was expected that the net result would not be too onerous. This Christmas morning Jay and Joyce enjoyed a very, very nice Christmas breakfast at the Alvarez Home, and also exchanged presents. Jay and Joyce said their farewells to Karen and her family and wished them the best for their England adventures.
  • Then Jay and Joyce soon were on their way to Hudson, Florida, where Michael and Karri Kernohan have a home on a canal leading out to Tampa Bay. Also invited were Joyce's daughter Michelle and Michelle's friend, Steve. Michael's children, Conner and Tyler Kernohan, were also there, as was Karri's daughter Tess and her boyfriend Ray.
    • As usual, Michael and Karri outdid themselves as hosts. Michael was a first time chef for cooking brisket and he did a great job. Joyce brought her smashed potatoes, spinach casserole, and spinach and broccoli casserole. Michelle brought a macaroni and cheese casserole, and Tess brought two pies. Add in the toasted garlic bread provided by Michael and cooked by and grilled into tasty toast by Ray, and there was more food than any of us could eat in days and days.
    • Jay and Joyce also brought games. In fact they brought to 12 games which was certainly more than adequate for the occasion, and throughout the afternoon and early evening we played six of them, which meant that Jay still has six as a head start for the next event where he brings his games.
    • Michael added to the evening's enjoyment by offering a special adult beverage, which was so tasty that it had to be dangerous.
    • We had a very nice time; it was a good way to end Christmas Day.
Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night

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A warm-up game for individuals - relocating coins to form a triangle from a square.

The winner of this game was Tyler

Another warm up game - teams competing to see who could assembled a 24-piece puzzle the quickest.
Team Tess-Ray-Tyler was the winner.

Dinner appetizer - Pork Poppers made and cooked by Tyler.


Michael slices the delicious brisket he cooked, and then cuts the ham

Yummy and plentiful!!!

A bountiful Christmas Dinner that also included garlic bread from Michael and Karri (cooked on the grill by Ray); Joyce's "smashed" potatoes, spinach casserole, and broccoli & spinach casserole; and Michelle's macaroni and cheese casserole.
Later we enjoyed super-tasty apple pie and cherry pie home made by Tess. (Cherries fresh and hand-pitted by Tess.)

Yeah!!! Time to open Christmas gifts. As usual, Michael and Karri provided everyone with a Christmas stocking loaded with treats!





Back to games. The Rebus 14 Puzzle was difficult, but the team of Karri, Steve, and Tess was the winner

The next game involved transferring M&Ms from a center bowl to an individual cup - using chopsticks!
The team of Karri, Michael, and Tess was the winner and Karri was the individual winner.


Joyce brought two games. The first was painting a "Christmas Rock."
This contest was won by the team of Tess and Ray, with Conner coming in second.
(See below for more on Christmas Rocks and Joyce's plans for this year's decorated rocks.)

The second game involved making something with a Christmas theme out of Play Dough.




Joyce had trouble picking a winner, but she finally went with Ray; Michael placed second.


Cinny also traveled to Kernohan Cove in her Christmas outfit to play with Michael and Karri's two puppies

Karri having fun with one (of the many) stocking gifts

    There are a number of writings about painting rocks and then leaving them in special places as blessings.
    Of course the paints used must be non-toxic. Joyce has plans for the "planting" the rocks and the first rock
    will be left at the Grand Hyatt on Rocky Point in Tampa.

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