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Bonnie's Prayer

Likely Written in Early 2009.

Bonnie was truly a Proverbs 31 Woman. Below is from the scriptures:

Bonnie was faithful in maintaining prayer journals, participating in Women's Bible Studies, and being active in the many churches she and Jay attended throughout their marriage. Below is a prayer probably written shortly befire she and Jay traveled to England to be with Robert and Natalie shortly after their son, Benjamin, was born.

Bonnie's Prayer

Father God I come before You today humbled by Your world; a world You created and the world humans - by our hands, works and actions - are trying to destroy. Forgive me for being a part of that human race who fails to see Your glory and fails to bask in Your presence.

You my Lord have again given me so much and yet I try to control the world around me. This is Your great and a significant world. Hear my prayer, guide my ways, words and witness. May I always be humbly grateful for the gift You have given me, a life everlasting and Your son, Jesus Christ.

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