Jay's Cataract Surgery

Brandon, Florida
February 3, 2022

Jay had cataract surgery on his right eye in 2016. At the time his left eye was still okay so the procedure that time was for one eye only. The procedure then was pretty simple.

Learn when to show up at the Surgery Center. (Early.) Get checked in. No needed to get into a hospital gown; street clothes are fine. Have a drip line put in your arm. Prior to being wheeled into the surgical suite an anesthetic is injected through the drip line. Some things happen that you note only vaguely. You come back to full consciousness in a recovery room.

In 2016 I had a eye patch that stayed in for a day or so, in 2022 it was just a clear plastic eye guard. Saw the surgeon shortly after noon to ensure all went well. Learned that there were to be no active sports or even moderate lifting for a week. Back seven days later for a follow up. Learned that my left eye is now about 20-25 which is great seeing that I opted for the basic surgery as covered by insurance instead of an expensive upgrade in the lenses. (Reading glasses are still just fine.)



En Route

After (Very shortly after surgery)