Bonnie is 60!!!   

Bonnie in High School at Fort Belvoir
Bonnie was my best friend in high school and we lived fairly close to one another on the base at Ft. Belvoir. I guess one of the funniest things is how she and my older brother, Bill, treated one another. She called him "Dumbo" (big ears) and he called her "Stretch". The picture in your e-mail with her in the water with a dolphin is priceless. ~ Kathy Capozzoli

Laundry Times at Fort Lewis
With no washer or dryer in their quarters, Bonnie and her other friends would have to hit the local laundramat. One of the more attractive wives tended to have frilly underwear and took great steps to conceal it from the other wives and, of course, any soldiers who happened to be using the facility.

Garden Plots at Purdue
Following his tour in Vietnam, Jay was sent back to Purdue to complete his education. Purdue had a field behind the married students' housing that was plowed up each year and used for student garden plots. Bonnie wanted a garden plot, and Jay didn't. Bonnie pleaded that she would do ALL the work, and Jay wouldn't have to do anything. So on the given day there was Jay and Bonnie standing in line with many others, waiting to sign up for a 25' x 25' plot. When they got to the front of the line, they found that plots were $4, so they ended up getting two. Soon they were there inspecting their 25' x 50' piece of land, not having much of a clue as to what to do. Of course Purdue, as a land grant college with a strong School of Agriculture, had lots of experienced students, so they watched them. Jay drew the ground up into furrows and he put in a string line that went down the center of each furrow. They planted lots of "stuff" and kept everything that came up under the stringline, weeding out all else, because they couldn't tell vegetables from weeds. One of our successes was with watermelon. Bonnie planted it and then learned from fellow gardeners that watermelon doesn't grow in Indiana. Well, Bonnie didn't know that, but we guess no one told the watermelon, as some did grow. As to the work, mostly Jay did it while Bonnie "supervised" or chatted with the other gardeners, most of whom felt sorry for our ineptness and showered us with their excesses.

Celebrating a Wedding Anniversary
One time Bonnie decided to celebrate our anniversary by filling the bathtub with champagne. We never made a lot of money in the Army so this was a major event. She bought two cases of champagne for the festivities. Of course a champagne bottle holds either 750 milliliters or perhaps a liter, and a bathtub holds 40 gallons. So after using about four bottles and managing to fill the tub by about 3/4 inch she decided that maybe the idea, though well intended, would not work out in the real world of weights and measures. Oh, yes, Bonnie knows how to keep it interesting. ~ Jay

Nanny and Bill Visit in Germany
We’ll never forget our trips to Germany. We traveled all over. Jay and Bill rode in the front, and Bonnie, me and the girls all managed to fit in the back. We went to some marvelous places – locations we never dreamed of ever going and where I’ll never forget. We knew many of these places were trips that Jay and Bonnie had already visited but were good enough to bring us anyway. ~ Nanny (Elaine Braden)

Bonnie the Welcome Wagon
We had just arrived off the plane from the States - Frankfurt, June 1977. Long trip, two tired little girls. Expecting the "Usual" in terms of Army sponsors - somehow Belly Dancing lessons on my very first night hadn't been on my radar screen - but there we were - supply, pliant laughing Bonnie acting like it was the most natural thing in the world to be there - and, you know what, it was! What a hoot - great fun. ~ Rosemary Bonine

Bonnie Arranges Nanny and Bill's 50th Anniversary Celebration

Bonnie the Navigator
I remember the time Bonnie and I took our 4 girls, Karen and Sandra (Bonnie's) and Kelly and Suzy (mine) to the Schwartzenwald (Black Forest - as in Baden Baden, etc.) for a picnic. This would be in the spring/summer of 1978. Well, we headed off early in the morning. Took us about a couple of hours, I think, to get there. We always had a great time together, with lots of laughter (this is with Bonnie, right?) Anyway, as the afternoon wears on, we pack up the kids and head for home - Frankfurt - about 2 hours away.

Soooo - we're heading up the Autobahn (I can't remember for the life of me who was driving and who was navigating) but all of a sudden, out of the darkness, appears this sign, which says (in German) WELCOME TO BITTBURG! Bittburg??? Well, the guys had been somewhat apprehensive when we hadn't already shown up at home (with their children) but their concern was miraculously replaced by incredulity - the fact that we had been having such a great time chatting that we had completely missed all the exit signs for Frankfurt and had blithely driven at least a further full hour north (in the dark) to Bittburg. Being with Bonnie is so marvellous that the minutes just melt away. ~ Rosemary Bonine

Bonnie the Famous Pitcher
When Jay was with the 20th Engineers at Fort Campbell, the battalion had a ladies softball team. Since a combat engineer battalion has no females assigned, the team came from wives and lady friends. Bonnie was the pitcher, and earned a record one day for walking 34 batters. Yes, she was in tears but after 20 years she can almost laugh about it.

Bonnie the Soccer Star
The 20th Engineer Battalion also had a co-ed soccer team that played in the city league. Bonnie and Jay played. In our first season it took three games before their team scored our first goal, and they didn't win their first game until the second season that they played. Games were on Sunday afternoon and it always seemed to rain then. Bonnie (and Jay) would return to their quarters a muddy mess, often sore and bruised, but Bonnie liked it.

Bonnie the Cowgirl
Fort Campbell also had a stable operated by Recreation Services people. You could rent a horse and ride the many backroads of the reservation. Bonnie would take the kids horseback riding and into the training area, seaching for our battalion when we were in the field. She never found the 20th, but had some interesting encounters with air assault soldiers.

Bonnie Arranges the PartieWagon
Jay was promoted to colonel while with the 7th Engineer Brigade. Bonnie hired a streetcar - yes a real streetcar but one made for such events - to travel the streets of Stuttgart. It was called the "PartieWagon." Bonnie made and brought on board all kinds of food and snacks, and also loaded it with beverages. So there we were, traveling the busy streets just having a grand old time, and being sure to wave at the people on the "other" streetcars that we passed on the route - and we had some fun with their reactions. Bonnie arranged the PartieWagon for two back-to-back sessions to accommodate all our friends.

Forty going on Fourteen
It was a beautiful, crisp autumn day in Hanau, Germany. We were driving down the street of New Argonner, the American Kaserne, enjoying the changing colors of the leaves when something caught our eye.

There were a bunch of kids playing in a huge pile of leaves, having a ball. It was a reflective moment as we each thought back to our youth when this would have been exactly what we would be doing under these perfect circumstances. It was a game of rough-house at its best.

Suddenly all the kids seemed to separate around the pile when we noticed that the pile was still moving. I think both of us reacted in the same way at the same time. We were about to park the car and make sure there was not a child underneath who might have been hurt. In a flurry of some magnitude there was all at once a figure emanating from the pile. The kids yelled and ran for cover as a rather large kid did indeed make her presence known. Of course, anyone reading this would know who this “kid” was, none other than Bonnie Braden, the Queen of kids and all things good and sweet.

Happy Birthday to you who brings out the kid in all of us. ~ Tom and Cathy Johnson

Tacky Queen Contest
We got the ladies of the 547th Engineer Battalion together for some fun by having a Tacky Queen contest. We invited Bonnie down for the event, and - well - the pictures speak for themselves. Happy Birthday!! ~ Nancy and Bill Graham

Bonnie and Hermie
When Jay was a Brigade Commander, Bonnie and Jay got invited to a number of military and social events such as changes of command and military balls. Bonnie had a pin collection from the many units in V Corps that she had on a piece of flannel and would wear to these functions - always a discussion maker. Bonnie also made Hermies. These were wooden ducks on wheels that she would push with a stick. Hermies were also a topic of interest at formal affairs. Hermie always had a 130th Engineer Brigade Pin. Bonnie would push Hermie under the dresses of the ladies and then express surprise and anger at what a rascal he was.

Bonnie the Role Model
I first met Bonnie when I was 37 years old and she must have been an ancient 40. I was trying to figure out in a military community how a commander’s wife is supposed to behave and be “a good role model.” I was looking for guidance in my new role – and there she was at a formal military ball with her wooden flappy footed duck named Hermie. Hermie was very “fresh” and ran around looking under the long dresses of the ladies when we least expected it. When she wasn’t playing with Hermie, she was doing the Chicken Dance! I was astounded, confused and delighted by Bonnie. ~ Marilyn MacIver

Hanau Town Hall Meetings
Also when Jay was a Brigade Commander he conducted regular Town Hall meetings to address community issues. Most people probably came to listen to one of the chief "complainers" - Bonnie - who held Jay to a high standard of community responsiveness, and the people liked to see her let "the colonel" have it.

Bonnie's Park

Bonnie and Her Directional Challenges

Bonnie the Substitute Teacher
When Jay was stationed at US Central Command in Tampa, Bonnie signed up to be a substitute teacher for Hillsborough County. Many days she'd be called for work and tell them that she couldn't - she was already committed to volunteering at Buckhorn Elementary, where Robert and Anne attended. Heck, who needed the money anyway?

Bonnie and the Reciprocating Saw

The Dolphin Encounter
For one of our vacations, Mom and Dad rented a catamaran - with captain - to sail from St Pete to the Gulf waters around Tampa Bay. The catamaran was nice: 39' with plenty of space. The captain took us out in the Gulf but we also spent a lot of times sailing the inland waters of St. Pete Beach. Mom was always lookin for dolphins. So there we were, motoring the waterway when we see two dolphins. Before we know what has happened, there is a big splash as Mom, with snorkle and fins, has jumped off the boat into the water, and the catamaran is rapidly pulling away from her. The captain comes about hard and we pick her up. Of course the dolphins that she must have expected to act like Flipper, had nothing to do with her. As for me, my heart only took about an hour to calm back down. ~ Robert

Going to the Dentist
For some kids, going to the dentist is a thing to be feared. Not when Mom takes you. I remember that for an 11:00 dentist appointment she'd pick me up at about 9:30 from school and we'd do things like go shopping for me or have a breakfast snack. Then there would be the dentist; so we'd have to go have lunch somewhere special to celebrate the event. We'd get back to school about 1:30 where she'd check me back in and then she'd sit in the parking lot for about a half hour then pick me up from school to go home. I'll bet I was ther only person in the school who looked forward to going to the dentist. ~ Robert

Robert and his Stomach Aches
When I was in elementary school, I had this thing about using the "facilities" at the school. This naturally resulted in a quite a bit of discomfort, and I'd eventually report to my teacher about my "stomach ache." No problem. The teacher would take me to the School Nurse. The School Nurse would call home. Mom would come pick me up. I'd go home and "do my business." Mom would take me back to school. How's that for true love? ~ Robert

Keeping the Kids Happy
When I was in grade school I guess I had a favorite pair of pants that I liked to wear every day. The only problem was that one knee was ripped out. Now most Moms would say, “You’re not leaving the house looking like that!” (Actually she only says that to my Dad). Nope, she didn’t say a thing. If going to school in my ripped knee pants made me comfortable then that was good enough for her. By the way, if you ever see my band picture from that school you’ll see my hands over my knee. They were not there as a “pose” but to cover my bare knee sticking out from my ripped pants. ~ Robert

Canoeing on the Alaphia River
One time Mom took Anne and me canoeing on the Aliphia River. It looked like a lot of fun - until we found out that ALLIGATORS are in that river. Well that certainly added something to the adventure as we had visions of of being dinner to one of the local river residents. But we were somehow making it okay until Mom decided that she needed a memory of the day. So she stood in the canoe to take a picture, but in doing so she unbalanced it - letting in water. We scrambled for the shore in utter terror, grasping for tree limbs or anything that would save us from big ugly jaws with razor sharp teeth. Well, the only good thing about this adventure is that if I ever have serious problems in my life I can trace my problems back to Mom and the trauma of that day. ~ Robert

Bonnie and Her Love of Life
I got another burst of Bonnie enthusiasm when we were assigned nearby each other in Virginia when I was 47 and she was almost 50. She taught me to Roller Blade. We were invited to the Braden home on post for fireworks on some non-traditional celebration day. Any day is a good day for celebration with Bonnie! Somehow the entire tub of fireworks got set off all at once and many ended up in their neighbor’s boat.

Now I am 57 and she is turning 60. She is still my favorite life role model. She taught me not to take life too seriously, laugh, and have fun with it. She has also been a fine Christian woman role model of a compassionate, dedicated homemaker, mother, wife and community member...

Tom and I have often said over the years when we have had the courage to do something bold, off the wall, fun, out of our conservative, straight laced, comfort zone ... "Bonnie Braden would be proud!" ~ Tom and Marilyn MacIver

Bonnie Seth and Savanah
seth in the tree

Bonnie Spoiling the Grandkids

Bonnie's Breakfast in Hanau
Mom loves to cook. Everyone know that. I especially remember in Hanau when all my friends used to come over for "Bonnie's Breakfast." She was always good for something special like crepes or waffles with all the trimmings. ~ Sandra.

Bonnie' Cow Bell
When I played soccer at Bloomingdale High School Mom and Dad would always be there at the games. But Mom would always bring her cow bell, and she'd shake it vigorously whenever I made a play. I told everone how I didn't like her embarrassing me like that, but the truth is that I liked it a lot. ~ Sandra

Bonnie and Her Cures
Bonnie is into home remedies. Our cupboard could stock a GNC store for two months. If you have a problem, she has a solution: pills, dissolve on your tongue tablets, herbal mixes concocted in the blender, ointments. And no doubt supositories if we’d tolerate it. I have to be very careful around the house; if I cough to clear my throat she’s right there with fourteen pills and three glasses of water. ~ Jay

Our "Bonnie is 60" celebration participants
Front: Barbara Wright, Savanah Roberts, Sydney Roberts, Jay, Robert, Seth Roberts
Back: Michelle Benedict, Dorothy Dunn, Anne, Bonnie, Sandra, Rex Benedict, Paul Dunn, Steve Roberts