Bonnie’s Birth Day Note to Karen

St Elizabeth's Hospital, Lafayette, Indiana
August 7, 1972

Dear Karen Elizabeth,

Today was a big day at the Bradens. Mommy went to the Doctors yesterday, and Dr. Hunter told me that you still weren't ready to enter this world. He said that the chances of you being born before next Saturday were one in six. But you weren't one to listen.

This morning at 3:15, Mommy felt a little funny. She was having a few pains. Then around five your Mom woke Dad up to tell him you were well on your way. It was exciting. We'd waited so long for this - and we were prepared. We had attended Parents Classes at St. Elizabeth's.

Dad had an exam this morning at 8:00, and he was very tired when your Mom woke him up because he been up most of the night studying for his Industrial Management final.

Daddy got up and started to time Mommy’s contractions. They were about two minutes apart and were lasting about 30 to 40 seconds. While I packed Daddy called the Doctor on the phone. The Doctor told us to go over to St. Elizabeth's. Mommy finished packing and we left.

After signing in at the hospital, Mommy got into a wheelchair and up we went to the OB ward. Daddy was right behind us.

The nurse wheeled us into Room #331. Daddy had to wait outside while the nurses gave me a 'beautiful' white hospital nightgown and prepared me for your coming. When they were finished Daddy was allowed to come and sit with me.

The Doctor came to visit us around 10:30. Dr. Haas told us that it would still be a long time. While you're in labor, you aren't allowed to eat any solids; so for breakfast Mommy had Jell-O, tea, and pineapple juice.

Around 11:30 they brought in lunch - which consisted of green Jell-O, broth, tea, and juice. Daddy and I tried to play cards, but Mommy was a little uncomfortable. Pains had moved to four or five minutes apart right after coming to the hospital and they were still that far apart - but getting a little stronger.

Daddy had a few phone calls to make to cancel the plans we had made for the weekend. Then he went out for lunch. Mommy was so happy when he returned, because Daddy gave her such great moral support.

Daddy helped Mommy with her breathing, too. He had such patience – 'cause Mommy wasn’t being the best patient. While we were waiting for you are your arrival we took some walks down the hall. We met the minister from our church, Steve Weis, and also a girl from our parent classes, Noreen Wickett. They were looking at Noreen's little girl, who was born on Wednesday.

Mommy was a little sick - probably from the delicious menu. Then they brought me dinner - red Jell-O, beef broth, tea, and juice. Well, Mommy wasn't too hungry. Then Mommy got sick again. Poor Daddy, he was such a comfort - so wonderful. Daddy went to get something to eat. When he came back the pains were even stronger.

Mrs. Bookwalter, our teacher from the Parent Classes, examined me. Then she went out to tell Daddy you were ready - he was waiting outside while I was being examined. Daddy went to get changed - and before I knew it two nurses were standing by Mommy’s bed - dressed for the OR. Daddy was back - all scrubbed and dressed in white. He is so handsome.

You are finally on the way. Now Mommy was going to get to push. The nurses strapped a tri-ethylene mask to my arm to use - when it was needed. Then the Doctor came in and made the final preparations, and we were off to the Delivery Room.

The nurses and Dr. Haas prepared me on it table and then Daddy came in. The Doctor adjusted the mirror so that Daddy and Mommy could watch your entrance into this world. It was a fantastic experience.

A beautiful experience that we all shared together. Right there in the delivery room all our anxieties were dismissed. The love and passion which brought you into the world was there when you were born. Together as a family from the very beginning. So at 8:33 you came into this world out of love. Right then we realized that all the waiting was worth it. A few seconds after you were born you put your hand right into your mouth. They wrapped you in a blanket; and after they had taken a blood test, foot prints, and Mommy’s fingerprint, the nurse let Mommy hold you. Then they wheeled us to the Recovery Room and Daddy got to hold you. Then the nurse took you down to the Nursery to clean you up. Mommy asked for something to eat because she was hungry. They brought in 2 cookies, milk, and a cheese sandwich.

After you were cleaned up they brought you back. You weighed 8 pounds and you were 21 inches long. You had lots of hair - dark brown.

What a wonderful day. God has blessed Mommy twice now - once for giving her Daddy and now again with you - our baby. Our little daughter. We are indeed very lucky.

Our love brought you into this world and with this love our lives will grow together.

Mommy and Daddy

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